A Bayesian model for fatigue crack growth. Practical nonparametric and semiparametric Bayesian statistics, Lecture notes in statistics, 133, 339-353. (1998, jointly with E. Arjas)
Assessing the losses caused by an industrial intervention: a hierarchical Bayesian approach. Applied statistics, 44, 357-368. (1995, Jointly with E. Arjas)
Non-parametric Bayesian approach to hazard regression: a case study with a large number of missing covariate values, STatistics in medicine, 15, 1757-1770. (1996, jointly with E. Arjas)
Prediction of growth: a hierarchical Bayesian approach. Biometrical journal, 39, 741-759. (1997, jointly with E. Arjas and N. Maglaperidze)
Bayes solution to a continuous time sequential problem. Acta scientiarum naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, 37, 630-638. (2001)
Existence of MLE for Weibull distribution with grouped and censored data. Chinese journal of applied probability and statistics, 17, 133-138. (2001)
Estimating population size in proportional trapping-removal models. Statistica Sinica, 13, 243-254. (2003, jointly with P. Yip)
Removal process estimation of population size for a population with a known sex ratio. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 10,281-292. (2003, jointly with P. Yip and R. Watson)
An algorithm for maximum likelihood estimates to semi-parametric regression model with interval censored data. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 17, 437-444. (2004, jointly with A. Zhang, J. Chen and Q. Wang)
Proportional trapping-removal models with contaminated data. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 127, 131-142. (2005, jointly with P. Yip)
Estimating population size in logistic capture-recapture models with a known sex ratio. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 34, 37-44. (2005, jointly with L. Zhang and N. You)
Proportional Trapping-Removal Model with a Known Ratio. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 35, 33-41. (2006, jointly with N. You)
Estimating population size for a continuous time frailty model with covariates in a capture-recapture study. Biometrics, 63, 917-921. (2007, jointly with Xu Y., You N., Pan H. and Yip P.)
Population size estimation in proportional trapping removal and recapture models with known capture times. Statistica Sinica, 17, 1215-1236. (2007, jointly with Yip P. and Xi L.)